Thursday, March 2, 2017



👋 Hi all,

    Today i came across with different type of requirement, Sometimes you might be need to filter object ID’s from excel sheet or other locations – IF your ID is Starting number to Ending Number Like – 1..458 you can filter easily.

But if your ID is random then you have to use pipe symbol ”|” and if you are using manually it takes more time, To overcome i developed a Function in NAV and that function i want to share, so those who have need they can consume this function and make smile in your face L.


            To Achieve this write a function where you feel free, in our demo i used a custom codeunit.
See the bellow screenshot of Function.

See the Bellow screenshot of local variables

Friday, February 24, 2017

Add Users in NAV 2016 from SQL Server

Add Users in NAV 2016 from SQL Server
Hi all,

    Today i came across with different type of requirement, Sometimes you might be got an error while opening the RTC. Error – ”You do not have permission to access .....”. See the bellow screenshot.

This error came, because user not exist in User Table, So if you are a first user then simply you can execute the SQL query, and you will resolve your issue.
The Sql Query is given bellow, just Open your Database and run this query.

USE [Demo Database NAV (9-1)]
     DELETE FROM [dbo].[User]
     DELETE FROM [dbo].[Access Control]
     DELETE FROM [dbo].[User Property]
     DELETE FROM [dbo].[Page Data Personalization]
     DELETE FROM [dbo].[User Default Style Sheet]
     DELETE FROM [dbo].[User Metadata]
     DELETE FROM [dbo].[User Personalization]

Now you are abale to open RTC.

Note: But whenever you have multiple users then you can’t execute this query because all users will be deleted, for that you have to do some more steps, that steps i’m going to describe.

Step 1:  Open Powershell ISE with Administrator privilege. Now execute this command

$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("DOMAIN\BINESH.SINGH")
$strSID = $objUser.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])

See the bellow screenshot for better understanding.

Once you will execute the above command, you will get the SID number. Save it off in Notepad OR somewhere. It will be used in the second step.

Step 2: Now open SQL Server and you need to execute the following Query for that Database in which you wants your respective login. SID and the Username copied from above. 

USE [Demo Database NAV (9-1)]
DECLARE @USERSID uniqueidentifier, @WINDOWSSID nvarchar(119), @USERNAME nvarchar(50), @USERSIDTXT varchar(50)

SET @WINDOWSSID = 'S-1-5-21-611616715-3189593580-2499604960-1499'

INSERT INTO [dbo].[User]
 ([User Security ID],[User Name],[Full Name],[State],[Expiry Date],[Windows Security ID],[Change Password],[License Type]
 ,[Authentication Email],[Contact Email])
 (@USERSID,@USERNAME,'Binesh Singh',0,'1753-01-01 00:00:00.000',@WINDOWSSID,0,0,'','')

INSERT INTO [dbo].[User Property]
 ([User Security ID],[Password],[Name Identifier],[Authentication Key],[WebServices Key],[WebServices Key Expiry Date],
 [Authentication Object ID])
 (@USERSID,'','','','','1753-01-01 00:00:00.000','')

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Access Control]
 ([User Security ID],[Role ID],[Company Name],[Scope],[App ID])

See the bellow screenshot for Sql Query.

Execute the above command. If it gets successfully executed then you can go and Restart the NAV Server Instances and then try to login and you will get logged in to RTC.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

How Do I Split Comments or Copy from somewhere and paste in comments.

How Do I Split Comments or Copy from somewhere and paste in comments.
Hi all,
    Today i came across with different type of requirement, where someone asked in community forum, How Do I Split Comments or Copy from somewhere and paste in comments.

This solution for Contact comments, you can use similar in your sales documents also, only you have to change the Record variable as per your requirement.

To achieve these requirement i created a Page of card type and two functions and two global variables.

    Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017

   Demo 1 – Binesh creates a new page i.e. Name “Wrap Text” ID 50246.
   Demo 2 – Binesh calls the earlier created page in comments action.

Demo 1 – Binesh creates a new page i.e. Name “Wrap Text” ID 50246.
To achieve this follow the bellow steps:

Step 1:        Open Development environment and create a new page.
Step 2:       Create Global variables i.e.:


Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line

Step 3:       Design your page, see the bellow screenshot for better understanding.

Step 4:       Create two functions in this page, see the bellow screenshot.


Step 5: In Function GetRMParam pass the record variable of "Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line" as var true.
In Function RMCommentEditor function declare local variables, See bellow screenshot.

Step 6:       Write the code, see the bellow screenshot

Step 7 :      Now call the function in OnQueryClosePage Action of this page,
See the bellow screenshot.


Step 8:       Now Open the Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Sheet  Page, After that open Page Action, and then create an Action i.e. Wrap Comment, See the bellow screenshot.

Step 9:       Go to C/Al Editor of Wrap Comment Action, and declare a local variable of page type that are earlier created, and pass the record parameters and then Run the page, See the bellow screenshot for better understanding.

Step 10: Testing solution -> Open Windows/Web client -> Open Contact List page -> select any contact -> click on Comments Action - > you will get Comment page -> In comment page if you have more comments, or you want to use copy, paste then click on Wrap Comment Action -> A Comment Editor page will open, In that editor you can paste your comments (or) type your comments -> After that click OK or Close button -> Comments updated in comment page.
For better understanding see thee bellow screenshot.

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